Product and technology due diligence for private equity firms

In today’s era of digital transformation, product and technology due diligence can be challenging to get right. Private equity firms want actionable insights on target companies’ technical capabilities and strategies – and that can require deep expertise on technical subjects combined with business acumen. From acquisition to exit, our technology, product and digital experts provide the strategic advice you need to invest with confidence.


Over 20+ years, we’ve worked closely with private equity firms through origination support, transaction advisory and value enhancement. Whether you’re looking for niche industry insights to source your next deal or technology strategy support to improve results post-acquisition, our sector-relevant, board-level expertise will help you deliver value at every stage.

years of delivery

Our expertise

What can we do for you?

There’s a lot at stake when assessing and acquiring a company – and proper due diligence requires a deep understanding of technologies, operations and specific industry processes.

Our team provides independent, commercially-focused assessments of a target or vendor's technology platforms, products and operations, giving you the confidence to close the deal. 


We support you with expertise in: 


  • Technology and product roadmap validation  
  • Architecture, software and platform assessments  
  • Business and technology operation assessments

Why Endava?

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The Dos and Donts of Carve Outs Private Equity


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Meet our experts


John Cotterell

Group Head of Demand Generation


John Cotterell

Group Head of Demand Generation


John Cotterell

Group Head of Demand Generation


John Cotterell

Group Head of Demand Generation

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